Welcome to My Kindness Matters Soaps Blog
Busy Bee
here and welcome!
This is
a blog about soap, soap making, soap design, soap recipes, soap
selling and personal use of soap. Additionally, I invite you to add
anything you would like to say regarding soap in the comments section
below each article.
It's also about being kind. As you, no doubt, have gathered, kindness matters to me and I'm sure it matters to you, too, or you wouldn't be reading this blog article. I'll share inspiring stories about kindness and especially about random acts of kindness. I hope you'll share your own stories about kindness with me and other readers. If they are short, add them to the comments below. If they are longer stories, send them to my email address: busybee@kindnessmatterssoaps.com. With your permission, I may share them as guest posts on the blog.
It's not necessarily unusual to have one blog about two or more subjects. It just happens to be how Kindness Matters Soaps came about.
As you have probably read in the About Us and In Memoriam sections of this Web site, I was in a state of grief. I had no motivation to do virtually anything. By some stroke of serendipity I stumbled upon some YouTube videos about making natural, handcrafted soap. And, viola, I found a new passion to fill in the holes in my life. Making soap got me off the couch. It gave me a new purpose in life and something to look forward to each morning. I'll be forever thankful for all the YouTube video “soapers” who continue to teach this craft!
I have always enjoyed science. I believe science was a major motivator for me being attracted to the nursing profession. Over my 49 year nursing career, I wonder how many times I washed my hands. Let's just say, a lot! I used a lot of antibacterial soaps that were harsh and dried out my hands. Research taught me they were not really soaps but antibacterial detergent bars made with a variety of chemicals.
I make
only all natural soaps utilizing only the finest oils available.
There are never any harsh man-made chemicals in Kindness Matters
Soaps. I wish I had discovered this years ago while I was still a
practicing nurse. When hand sanitizers became the norm, my hands
really took a beating. Dry cracked hands were always a challenge,
especially during the cold months. Now my hands are soft, smooth and
feel so good. And, they look good, too. I plan to do as much as I can
to introduce natural soaps to the healthcare profession.
As I've mentioned, the loss of my only child became my inspiration for becoming involved in making natural soaps. I like to believe Matt is my muse. It comforted me that his kindness would be remembered as I gave away soap in his memory. I feel enormous healing energy when I give a bar of soap to someone as a random act of kindness.
It is both gratifying and humbling when I receive the many compliments and positive comments about how great my soap is and how good it makes other feel. People began asking me how they might acquire my soaps regularly.
friend, Mr. Ed, and our mutual friend, Dave, encouraged me to go
online with my soap adventure. Mr. Ed is the business manager. They
are both my webmasters. So, that is how I got here today.
In honor of Matt, my kind and caring son, I plan to make a positive contribution to several vital causes by donating a portion of the profits from this business to them. I will help those dealing with opioid, heroin and other kinds of substance addictions. I will also assist those in recovery, homeless shelters and half-way houses. I'm also a cat person and will continue to support spaying and neutering programs.
I have a little Pomeranian dog who is pictured and a joy as my mascot and Security Director. Her name is "Honey, I'm Home." I call her Honey, for short!
I trust this first blog article will assist in making you comfortable with who Busy Bee is. I'm open to any feedback, input or ideas about how I can serve you through my soaps and this Website. Blogging is also new and a first for me. I'm a little out of my comfort zone, but with this first article under my belt, I'm feeling more comfortable. My wish is for you to feel comfortable here, too. I hope you'll share with me and the other readers.
the next time, I hope you'll indulge in our natural soaps and reap
the benefits. You'll definitely feel the difference.
And, remember, in the end . . . only kindness matters. Busy Bee
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